Paris 09_3

Alejandra Boni Aristizábal (see below for English)

Doctora en Derecho por la U. de Valencia y profesora Titular del Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería de la U. Politécnica de Valencia especializada en cooperación al desarrollo y ética del desarrollo. Co-Directora del Máster Universitario en Cooperación al Desarrollo de la UPV y miembro del Grupo de Estudios en Desarrollo, Cooperación Internacional y Ética Aplicada.

Ha sido investigadora invitada en el Institute of Development Studies en Sussex (2007), el Institute of Social Studies de la Haya (2009), Research Centre for Leadership in Action de la U. de Nueva York (2011), el Instituto Pensar de la U. Javieriana de Bogota (2011) y la U. de Free State de Sudáfrica (2013).

Investigadora principal de diferentes proyectos de investigación (2005-2013) sobre educación para el desarrollo, cooperación internacional y desarrollo humano financiados por AECID, la UPV y la Secretaría de Estado de Universidades. También participa en tres proyectos europeos: EDUWEL enmarcado en el programa Marie Curie (2010-2014), SOCIETY financiado por el 7 Programa Marco (2013-2015) y Global Engineering financiado por Europe Aid (2013-2015).

Las temáticas de interés son la educación para el desarrollo, universidad, desarrollo humano, educación en valores, tecnologías y desarrollo, rendición de cuentas, cooperación internacional y enfoque basado en derechos.

Entre sus publicaciones científicas recientes destacan:

Artículos en el campo de la educación y el desarrollo:

Boni, A.; Hoffmann Pinilla, A.; Sow, J., (2012) “Educando para la ciudadanía global. Una experiencia de investigación cooperativa entre docentes y profesionales de las ONGD”, Estudios sobre Educación, nº 23, pag. 63-81.

Lozano, J.F., Boni, A., Peris, J and Hueso, A. Competencies in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis from the Capabilities Approach, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2012, 46, 1, 132–147.

Boni, A. and Gasper, D., Rethinking the quality of universities -- How can human development thinking contribute? Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2012, 13, 3.     

Boni, A., McDonald, P.  and Peris, J., Cultivating engineers’ humanity: Fostering cosmopolitanism in a Technical University. International Journal of Educational Development  32 (2012) 179–186.

Boni, A. (2012) Las capacidades para el desarrollo humano. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, nº 422, 92-95.

Boni, A. Educación para la ciudadanía global. Significados y espacios para un cosmopolitismo transformador, Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 17 (2011), 65-68

Boni, A. y Gasper, D. La universidad como debiera ser. Propuestas desde el desarrollo humano sostenible para repensar la calidad de la universidad, Sistema,  2011, 220, 99-115.     

Boni, A. Lozano, J.F, Walker, M., La educación superior desde el enfoque de capacidades. Una propuesta para el debate, Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 2010, 13, 3, 123-131.

Artículos en el campo de la cooperación al desarrollo y los proyectos de cooperación

López, E, Boni, A y Peris, J.  Incorporando la perspectiva de género en pequeños proyectos. La experiencia del Almanario en 10 comunidades indígenas de Guatemala, Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo / Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 1, 1 (2012), pp. 85-101.

Boni, A, Peris, J. Acebillo, M. McGee, R. , Hueso. A.  y Calabuig, C.  Los discursos de la accountability en el sistema de cooperación al desarrollo español, Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 29, 199-211 año 2012               

Peris, J. Fariñas, S, Lopez E, y Boni, A. Expanding collective agency in rural indigenous communities in Guatemala. A case for the Almanario Approach. International Development Planning Review, 34 (1) (2012)  pp.83-102         

Lacomba, J. y Boni, A. The Role of Emigration in Foreign Aid Policies: The Case of Spain and Morocco, International Migration Vol. 46 (1) 2008 pp. 123-150

Libros y capítulos de libros: 

Boni, A. and Walker, M. (Eds) (2013) Universities and Human Development. A New Imaginary for the University of the XXI Century, London: Routledge.

Boni, A. and León, R. (2013), Educación para la ciudadanía global. Una estrategia imprescindible para la justicia social, in Intermon-Oxfam ed. La Realidad de la Ayuda 2012, Intermon Oxfam: Barcelona.

Boni, A. Lacomba, J. The New Co-Development Agenda: Official and Non-Official Initiatives between Morocco and Spain, en Transnational Migration and Human Security (Editors: Thanh-Dam Truong and Des Gasper), Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace; Volume 7 New York: Springer-Verlag, /2011, pp. 91-101.

Boni, A y Perez-Foguet, A. (Ed.) Construir ciudadanía global desde la universidad ed. Intermon-Oxfam, 2006.


Editora adjunta del Journal of Human Development and Capability (2009-) y de la Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios en Desarrollo (2012-)

Secretaria de la Red Española de la Red de Estudios en Desarrollo (2011-)

Vicepresidenta de la International Development Ethics Association (2011-)

2 tramos de investigación reconocidos 2000-2006; 2007-2012


English version

Background in law and human rights. Current research interests in ethical and human rights approaches to development aid; human development; learning and teaching for transformation in higher education; global citizenship education; migrations and development; human development and technology. Experienced teacher in formal and non formal education.


2005                     PhD (Democracy and Human Rights Programme) on Development Education as a Strategy to foster Human Development at University.

Awarded with two distinctions: National Award for Quality Research on Cooperation for Human Development (2008) and National Award on Technology for Human Development (2007)


05/2010-now   Associate Professor, Development Studies Group; Department of Project Engineering; Technical University of Valencia, Spain.

Recent research projects (Principal Researcher if not specified)

2012-2015 Partner of the European Project Society Social innovation against inequalities. 7th Framework Programme, European Commission

2012-2014 Partner of the European Project Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union, Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development, Europe Aid, European Commission.

2010 – 2013 Associated Partner of the European Project Eduwell Education as Welfare, Marie Curie Programme, 7th Framework Programme, European Commission

2011- 2013 La movilización social como dimensión estratégica de la educación para el desarrollo. Estudio de experiencias desde una perspectiva Norte/Sur en el marco de la ciudadanía global y del enfoque basado en derechos. (Social mobilization as a strategic dimension of development education. Analysis of experiences from a North/South perspective with global citizenship and right based approach framework), financed by the Development Aid Spanish Agency AECID.


2011- 2013 Diseño de un sistema de indicadores para la evaluación ex ante de las acciones de Educación para el Desarrollo en el ámbito formal, (Design of a system of indicators for ex – ante evaluation in development education intervention), financed by the Development Aid Spanish Agency AECID.

2011- 2012, Cómo crear ciudadanos globales desde el sistema educativo formal IIª parte: Difundir experiencias y sumar agentes multiplicadores a la ED de quinta generación (How to Foster global citizens at the formal education system 2nd Phase: Disseminate experiences and multiply actors to fifth generation development education) financed by the Development Aid Spanish Agency AECID.

2011-2012 Contribuciones del enfoque de capacidades para el desarrollo humano y sostenible a la evaluación de proyectos en el marco de la cooperación internacional. Una propuesta metodológica. (Contributions of capability approach and human and sustainable development to project evaluation in the development aid sector) financed by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Recent contracts with public sector and NGOs (PR if not specified)

2012 for Intermón-Oxfam Spain: Diseño de un sistema de criterios de calidad para experiencias y recursos de la red de educadores (Design of a quality system criteria to analyze experiences and resources of an educators network)

2011: for the Human Rights Based Approach Spanish Network:  Elaboración y validación de un marco teórico y una propuesta metodológica de carácter cualitativo para explorar la incorporación del Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos en organizaciones españolas de cooperación al desarrollo y acción social. (Development of a Theoretical framework and a cualitative methodological proposal to explore how human rights based approach has been incorporated in Spanish NGOs)

2008-2009 for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Aid:  Rendición de cuentas en el campo del desarrollo y la cooperación internacional (Accountability in the development aid field)

2006-2007 for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Aid: Realización de la Estrategia de la Cooperación Española en el Sector de la Educación para el Desarrollo y Sensibilización social (member of the advisory group)

Recent selected Publications (in English and Spanish)


2013 (with R. Leon) Educación para la ciudadanía global. Una estrategia imprescindible para la justicia social (Education for global citizenship. An essential strategy for social justice) in Intermon-Oxfam ed La realidad de la ayuda 2012 (The reality of Aid 2012), pp. 214-237.


2013 (with Melanie Walker) editor of the book Human Development and Capabilities. Re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century. Routledge. Co-author of 3 chapters.

2012 (with Fernandez-Baldor, A. and Hueso, A.). From Individuality to Collectivity: The Challenges for Technology-Oriented Development Projects in Oosterlaken, Ilse & Van den Hoven, Jeroen) Series: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology Vol.5 Springer-Verlag.

2012 (with MacDonald, P. and Peris, J.) Cultivating global citizenship in engineering courses in Higher Education for the Public Good. Views from the South. (B. Leibowitz, ed.), 2012, Sun Press/Trentham Books, pp. 139-150.

2011     (with Lacomba, J.) The New Co-Development Agenda: Official and Non-Official Initiatives between Morocco and Spain in Transnational Migration and Human Security (Editors: Thanh-Dam Truong and Des Gasper). Volume 6 New York: Springer-Verlag,

2010     (with Lozano, J.F.) The Capability Approach as an Alternative Framework for Higher Education Goals – Conceptuals Reflection and Practical Proposals for Building Democratic Citizenship at University in Welfare and the Capabilities Approach (Otto y Ziegler, eds). Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Referred Journals


2012     (with Gasper, D.) Rethinking the quality of universities -- How can human development thinking contribute? Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 13,3, 451-470


                (with Belda, S. Peris, J. and Terol, L.) Rethinking capacity development for critical development practice. Inquiry into a postgraduate Programme, Journal of International Development, 24, 571-584             


(with Lozano, J.F. Peris, J. and Hueso, A.), Competencies in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis from the Capabilities Approach, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46,1, 132–147


                (with Peris, J. Fariñas, S. and Lopez, E.) Expanding collective agency in rural indigenous communities in Guatemala. A case for the Almanario Approach,. International Development Planning Review, 34 (1) pp.83-102              

                (with McDonald, P. and Peris, J.) Cultivating engineers’ humanity: Fostering cosmopolitanism in a Technical University, International Journal of Educational Development  32 (2012) 179–186.              


2011     (with Peris, J. McGee, R.M. Acebillo, M. and Hueso, A.), Exploring accountability discourses and practices in the Spanish aid system, Journal of International Development, DOI: 10.1002/jid.1828  

                (with Taylor, P.) Higher education institutions as cosmopolitan spaces for transformative development: re-imagining learning through teaching, Occasional Paper, 23, Democratising knowledge for global development: the role of European higher education Institutions, Arts, Halvorsen and Taylor (ed.)  European Association for International Education, pp. 69-81

Educación para la ciudadanía global. Significados y espacios para un cosmopolitismo transformador (Education for global citizenship. Meanings and spaces for a transformative Cosmopolitanism)  Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 17, 65-68                       


2010     (With Lozano, J.F. y Walker,M.) “La educación superior desde el enfoque de capacidades. Una propuesta para el debate”. (HIgher education from capability approach. A proposal for discussion) Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 13, 3, pp. 123-131.


2009     (with Berjano, E.) “Ethical learning in higher education: The experience of the Technical University of Valencia. European Journal of Engineering Education, 34,1, 205-213.


2008 (with Pérez-Foguet,A.) “Introducing development education in technical universities. Successful experiences in Spain”, European Journal of Engineering Education, 33,3, 343-354


2008 (with J. Lacomba) “The role of emigration in foreign aid policies: the case of Spain and Morocco” International Migration, 46,1, 123-150

Teaching and facilitating experience

2008/ until now Director of the Master on Development Aid at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

1997/until now teacher at the Technical University of Valencia on Development Aid, Aid Projects, Human Development, Right Based approach and Research in Development.

2002-now Courses and seminars thoughts at: University College of London, (UK); Dublin City University (IR); University of Free State (SA);  University of Trento (IT); Universidad de Camagüey (CU); Pontificia Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais, (BR); Universidad Javieriana de Bogotá, (COL); Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, (EC), Universidad René Moreno, (BO) in 2002-now to teach “Development aid”, “Development Aid Projects”, “Higher Education and human development”.  

Consultancy Experience

Advisor of Oxfam-Spain and the Spanish Agency of Development Aid on development education and global citizenship (2010-now)

Education advisor and trainer in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea, Italy and Spain at different universities and NGDOs. Recent work in Perú and Colombia.

Other relevant information

2011/now Vicepresident of IDEA (International Development Ethics Association)

2011/now Secretary of the Spanish Network of Development Studies (REEDES)

2010/now Associate Editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

2009-2011 Invited lecture at the University of Nottingham, School of Education

2011 Visiting professor at the Centre for Leadership in Action, University of New York, USA

2009 Visiting professor at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands

2007 Visiting fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK.

2005/until now Member of the Human Development Capability Association

2000/2002 Chair and Vice Chair of Engineers without Borders – Valencia.