I am Editor of:

I have also served as a Referee for the following Journals (for more than 60 papers):

-- Applied Mathematics and Computation

-- Applied Mathematical Modelling

-- Applied Numerical Mathematics

-- BIT

-- Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

-- Computational Science & Discovery

-- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems

-- Foundation of Computational Mathematics

-- International Journal of Computer Mathematics

-- IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

-- Journal of Chemical Physics

-- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

-- Journal of Computational Physics

-- Journal of Geometric Mechanics

-- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General

-- Journal of Scientific Computing

-- Journal of Sound and Vibration

-- London Mathematical Society

-- Mathematics of Computation

-- Mathematical and Computer Modeling

-- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

-- Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

-- Numerische Mathematik

-- Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications

-- Physical Review E.

-- Physics Letters A

-- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

-- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis