
Repository of protocol specifications in Maude-NPA

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In this website we present the specification of several cryptographic protocols in the Maude-NPA tool. Maude-NPA is a prover for security protocol verification.

Maude-NPA is an analysis tool for cryptographic protocols that takes into account many of the algebraic properties of crypto systems that are not included in other tools. These include cancellation of encryption and decryption, Abelian groups (including exclusive-or), exponentiation, and homomorphic encryption. Maude-NPA uses an approach similar to the original NRL Protocol Analyzer; it is based on unification, and performs backwards search from a final state to determine whether or not it is reachable. Unlike the original NPA, it has a theoretical basis in rewriting logic and narrowing, and offers support for a wider basis of equational theories that includes commutative (C), associative-commutative (AC), and associative-commutative-identity (ACU) theories.