Logotipo de E-LIS

E-LIS Meeting 2007: enhancing the access to LIS literature
13-14 november, Valencia, Spain


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Welcome to E-lis Meeting 2007.

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E-LIS is an OAI compliant archive on Library and Information Science since 2003 http://eprints.rclis.org. The First E-LIS Meeting was celebrated 22th October 2005, Gèneve (Switzerland), sponsored by CERN (Centre for Nuclear Energy Research), CILEA and Polythecnic University of Valencia http://www.aepic.it/conf/index.php?cf=4

The 2007 E-LIS Meeting, Valencia (Spain), 13-14th November, is a point for disseminating to the society and professionals the benefits of Open Access movement. There we can share experiences between technical, executive and editors’ topics on Open Access. It’s focused to researchers, librarians, policy makers, academic staff, information manager... and all people related to science and technology.

E-LIS Meeting 2007: enhancing the access to LIS literature